The sec­tors in which we ope­ra­te are mainly:

  • Repa­tria­ti­on of child­ren and young peo­p­le from abroad to Germany
  • Accom­pany­ing child­ren and young peo­p­le from Ger­ma­ny to ano­ther coun­try or from one coun­try to a third
  • Accom­p­animent of cross-bor­der contacts 
  • Accom­pany­ing per­sons with fami­ly reunions
  • Accom­pany­ing adults who need assistance
  • other tail­o­red services 

Our offers are aimed at par­ties that come into cont­act with for­eign chal­lenges, in par­ti­cu­lar youth wel­fa­re offices, guar­di­ans and other aut­ho­ri­ties, but also at inde­pen­dent orga­niza­ti­ons and pri­va­te individuals.

The­re is no fixed ran­ge of offers at Cross Coun­try Sup­port. We design our offers accor­ding to needs and always look for an indi­vi­du­al solu­ti­on in the best inte­rests of the child.

We stand for a high degree of fle­xi­bi­li­ty and the abili­ty to act quickly.

Based on the often acu­te and unclear situa­ti­on of the child, we can sup­port youth wel­fa­re offices and other par­ties invol­ved with deve­lo­ping a plan and imple­men­ting it in a time­ly manner.